Access Keys:

Loanends Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim


Mrs L Armour
Mrs L Armour



Teaching Staff

Mrs V Watson
Mrs V Watson

P1 Teacher

Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Coordinator

Senior Management Team Member

Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Literacy Coordinator

Acting Music Coordinator

Mrs K Montgomery
Mrs K Montgomery

P2 Teacher - Job Share

PE Coordinator

After School Clubs Coordinator

Mrs Y Greer
Mrs Y Greer

P2 Teacher - Job Share (temporary)

Mrs C Lilley
Mrs C Lilley

P3 Teacher

RE Coordinator

PDMU Coordinator


Mrs S Mullan
Mrs S Mullan

P4 Teacher

Art Coordinator

Miss K McComb
Miss K McComb

P5 Teacher

ICT Coordinator

Mrs Gillian O'Neill
Mrs Gillian O'Neill

P6 Teacher

WAU Coordinator

Mr S Hyde
Mr S Hyde

P7 Teacher

Key Stage 2 Coordinator

Senior Management Team Member

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Assessment Coordinator

Numeracy Coordinator


Mrs C Hegarty
Mrs C Hegarty

Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and Literacy Support Teacher

Miss B Wright
Miss B Wright

Numeracy Support Teacher


Classroom Assistants

Mrs E Brady
Mrs E Brady

P1 Classroom Assistant

Mrs K McConnell
Mrs K McConnell

P1/P2 Classroom Assistant (Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri)

Mrs C Williamson
Mrs C Williamson

P2 Classroom Assistant (Wed)

Mrs N White
Mrs N White

Special Needs Assistant


Mrs S Hall
Mrs S Hall

Special Needs Assistant

Mrs A McMichael
Mrs A McMichael

Special Needs Assistant

Mrs T McKeown
Mrs T McKeown

Special Needs Assistant

Mrs C McNaul
Mrs C McNaul

Special Needs Assistant



Other Staff

Mrs J Bowman
Mrs J Bowman

Senior Clerical Officer

Mrs Lesley McComb
Mrs Lesley McComb

Senior Clerical Officer

Mr G Brady
Mr G Brady

Building Supervisor and Cleaner

Mrs H Haddick
Mrs H Haddick



Mr R Humphreys
Mr R Humphreys


Mrs C Williamson
Mrs C Williamson

School Crossing Patrol


Board of Governors

Composition of the Board of Governors (2018-2022)

EA Representatives:

Mr M. Lucas (Chairman)

x1 vacancy

Transferor Representatives:

Mr T. Boyd (Vice Chairman)

Rev. D. Morrison

Mrs H. Griffiths

Mrs J. Leitch (Child Protection)

Teachers' Representative:

Mr S Hyde

Parents' Representatives:

Mrs R. McCleary

Mrs R. McCourt

Hon. Secretary and Principal:

Mrs L. Armour