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Loanends Primary School, Crumlin, Co. Antrim

KS2 House System



Every pupil in P5-P7 is assigned to one of four houses. Children of the same family will be allocated the same house whilst ensuring that the number of children is fairly balanced between each house. Houses are essential, as they create community spirit and give the children an opportunity to contribute to something bigger that involves children from all year groups.

Our houses are Ballyrobin, CarmavyKillead and Lylehill.

Earning House Points

House points are awarded for good behaviour, good manners, effort in class and achievement in learning. Pupils also participate and compete in competitions and events for house points. House points are awarded using the following guidance:

  • 1 house point for an individual achievement or display of kindness, helpfulness, good work etc.
  • 5 house points will be awarded to all Pupils of the Week on a weekly basis



Roll of Honour

2020-2021  Lylehill

2019-2020 Not awarded due to Covid-19

2018-2019  Carmavy

2017-2018  Lylehill

2016-2017  Ballyrobin

2015-2016  Carmavy

2014-2015  Killead

2013-2014  Lylehill